Benefits Of Everyday Frittata

Benefits Of Everyday Frittata

Everyday Frittata is a delicious, easy-to-prepare dish that I love to make for breakfast. All you need is some eggs, a little milk, and whatever ingredients you want to add on top. To start the frittata cooking process, simply scramble all of the ingredients together and pour it into a pan. For this recipe, I chopped up kale and spinach before adding them to the egg mixture because these veggies are loaded with fiber (which helps with digestion) but also contain vitamins A and C (providing great skin benefits) as well as folate and potassium. You’re going to love how filling this breakfast is!

Benefits of Everyday Frittata

1. Improves your digestive health.

This dish is full of fiber, which helps your digestive system to function optimally.

2. Fights constipation.

Kale and spinach are both great for digestion and fight constipation, which is why I add them to the egg mixture in this recipe! Kale contains 2x more calcium than spinach and iron, which essential for the development of red blood cells. It also contains a substance called betacaroteen that repairs DNA in cells, making it useful for cancer treatment. Talk about a health benefit! Spinach seems like an everyday vegetable but it’s often overlooked because it doesn’t contain much protein (and we want our diets to be high in protein). However, spinach is loaded with fiber, a powerful anti-inflammatory, and vitamin A and C (which are also great for skin health).

3. Lowers blood pressure.

Mayo contains both monounsaturated fatty acids (which have been shown to lower blood pressure) and omega-3 fatty acids (which reduce inflammation), making it an excellent choice for a heart-healthy diet.

4. Helps protect against cancer.

The antioxidants in kale fight against cancer cell growth and the phytonutrients in spinach help detoxify harmful substances that may damage your DNA after they leave your body through urine or excretion (because of the healthy flora found in your digestive tracks).

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